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    服務熱線: 400-185-1986
    品牌資訊 News

    公司簡介 About us

    日期: 2017-01-02
    瀏覽次數(shù): 8397


    河北銀河體育用品有限公司,創(chuàng)建于一九八六年,三十多年來,全體成員以科學嚴謹?shù)膽B(tài)度,不斷將先進的科學技術(shù),運用到乒乓器材的加工及制作工藝中,通過刻苦鉆研,已掌握一系列制作球板、套膠的奧秘和真諦,目前擁有兩項專利(專利號:ZL 2019 2 1206227.6,ZL 2020 3 0225121.2),技術(shù)水平穩(wěn)步提高。銀河產(chǎn)品除銷往內(nèi)陸,還銷往港、澳、臺地區(qū)及日、韓、美等國家,是眾多球迷的理想選擇。





    Milkyway Racket Factory has been at the forefront of advanced table tennis equipment production since its founding in 1986. Through rigorous and methodical research and development, Milkyway's technicians have mastered the latest techniques in crafting superior table tennis blades and other equipment, including two patents in the field(patent No:ZL 2019 2 1206227.6,ZL 2020 3 0225121.2).

    Milkyway's products are sold not only within China but also globally where they are increasingly the preferred choice of many discerning players.

    Milkyway blades are suited to all types of playing styles. Han Guohua, a leading first-generation table tennis craftsman and designer, has contributed deeply to Milkway's blade designs. Possessing more than half a century's worth of industry experience, he has incorporated into its blades the positive traits of many of its European and Asian peers, through the latest manufacturing techniques, heat treatment technologies, and carefully selected wood veneers. Milkway's blades are both powerful and easy to control, providing the basis for a high- spin and varied attacking game.

    Milkway has also meticulously developed and expanded its range of rubbers over the years. A highly experienced team of engineers have now created a series featuring powerful sponges and speedy surface rubber. These are ideally suited to a wide variety of playing styles.

    Modern table tennis is an evolving game and will continue to develop in the years to come. With a thorough understanding of this evolution and a deep commitment to creative equipment design and development, the Milkway brand is now widely recognized by industry professionals, table tennis players and fans alike.

    Milkway values your constructive suggestions and welcomes both Chinese and overseas clients to come and visit and explore potential partnerships together.


    公司簡介 About us

    公司簡介 About us

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    2016 - 04 - 05
    歷程篇30年,我們風雨耕耘。1986年,在這平常的一年,飄出銀河人最初的夢想。有了開始,便堅定了信念與執(zhí)著。再這一萬多個日日夜夜中,攜著責任與夢想,我們一路走來。從十幾人的小團隊到數(shù)百人的大家庭,從少數(shù)客戶試探的合作到大批客戶的長期合作30年的風雨同舟,我們努力朝著陽光的方向成長。當然不能忘記,國產(chǎn)品牌球拍異軍突起引發(fā)的市場巨變;更無法忽視,國外品牌球拍的對國內(nèi)市場的虎視眈眈。市場的激流從來就未停止,我們慶幸蹣跚里的堅持,我們欣慰分歧中的扶持,我們欣然磨礪后的成熟。······30年的風雨歷程,悄然凝結(jié)眉宇心間。 河北銀河體育用品有限公司始創(chuàng)于1986年,總部位于河北省保定市,是一個集開發(fā)、設計、加工、銷售、咨詢、培訓為一體的股份制企業(yè)。銀河乒乓球拍最早的歷史可以追溯到三十年前,以前叫做銀河球拍廠,說到銀河,我們應該先介紹一下韓國...
    2017 - 01 - 02
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    傳真:+86 0755-2788 8009